Monday, June 14, 2010

Carpools, Trains & 84,000 Vuvuzelas!

Yes, 84,000 piping Vuvuzelas. Today was an early departure after an early night. We were off by 8:15 a.m. heading to our 2 hour train ride from Pretoria to Jo’Burg to see what was surely the most massive stadium any of us have ever seen! At arrival, the stadium nearly trumped foreground mountain. Once in, it looked like a Netherland home game down to the seats even being orange. The Holland fans definitely rival the the spirt of Ghana, just out numbered them, by the bus load!

After the match, and the marvel of the sheer mass of Soccer City, we rushed back to the train to start our 2 hour journey home! And a journey it became!

Let’s start the train ride with Kel wrapping up her third WARM beer of the day. WIth a good buzz by all, and a long trip ahead... something had to keep our minds off the fact that we could not pee for the next 2 hours. So comes the bets! Seriously, chin-ups on a moving train full of Netherland fans?! Only Americans! Bets were made, money exchanged and plenty of sore biceps.

Once back to the station, we headed home for ANOTHER amazingly cooked Braai by the one and only Roberto! Steak, baked potatoes and carrot balls?! Seriously, what is a carrot ball?!

Another breathtaking day in South Africa!


  1. Any sign of Stewart?
    Sitting in Orlando airport flight delayed.
    Spoke with Kathleen, Parker and Christy , everyone doing well and missing you all.
    Love from momma and daddio!

  2. Dad says he hopes you held your own on the train and did you win any money? Have Roberto give you the recipe for carrot balls, they sound yummy??? What an amazing trip!

  3. KJG - I should have warned you not to mess with my fellow Dutchmen :-) And just who did win those bets?

  4. Not to brag, well to brag a bit... Yes I took the money off the train! And no, no sign of Stewart momma!

  5. Hi all! Glad you are having a ball! Gregg, you need to call the bank -the debit card people are going to cancel your debit card due to what they believe are fraudulent charges in South Africa. The number is 1-800-327-8622. They are not letting me okay the charges!!!! :)
    kat tail

  6. Loving the updates man. Trip of a lifetime indeed. U-S-A!!
